I was struggling, trying to find the time, and when I had the time I often ended up on the couch in front of the TV or spending time with my family. It wasn’t that the task of writing my book wasn’t important, I just could not find a way to hold myself accountable for the process…Do you know that feeling?

Now imagine you are sitting in your favorite chair, drink in hand, or on the couch watching Netflix and just relaxing. You just handed in that huge project you have been working on for months. The feeling of accomplishment and happiness is filling you up. There is no feeling guilty because of the work you need to be doing, and being afraid you miss your deadline.

To get from scenario one to scenario two, I created accountability for myself. I had others keep me accountable to reach my goals.

The revelation of how huge a help this was for me made me decide that, this is what I want to help people with – Achiving your goals so that you can live a more stressfree life.

I help you plan out your project into milestones and action items, and then I help keep you accountable getting there.


Here are the three different ways I can help you reach your goals and get further faster:

You make the plan

Each week you send me a plan for the week.

You have your goal clearly structured and planned out.

I text you 1-2 times a week, depending on the need, to follow up with you if you have reached your plan so far.

Each sunday, you send me a new plan for the cming week.


The first week is free

after that it’s

$25 USD/week

(Billed monthly)

We make the plan together

We start with one video call of 1,5 hour +/- 15 min.

Here we map out your goal with milestones and action items.

Every 4 weeks we have a 1 hour (+/-) video call.

Twice a week I have office hours of 1 hour, where I will follow up with your work and plan.


$100 USD/week

(Billed monthly)

With this offer there is an option of buying extra video sessions if needed.

Primium offer

We start with one video call of 1,5 hour +/- 15 min.

Here we map out your goal with milestones and action items.

Once a week we have a 1 hour (+/-) video call.

I am available via chat Mon-Friday and will answer your questions at my earliest available time.


$320 USD/week

(Billed monthly)

With this offer there is an option of buying extra video sessions if needed.